Elevated work Platform

 23966 – Describe types of elevating work platforms and legal requirements. Pre Requisite.

23960 – Access worksite and prepare and use a scissor lift.

23961 - Access worksite and prepare and use a truck-mounted boom lift.

23962 – Access worksite and prepare and use a self-propelled boom lift.

23963 - Access worksite and prepare and use a trailer-mounted boom lift.

23964 - Access worksite and prepare and use a vertical lift


Thursday 13th June.8am

This is for Unit Standard 23966 and the practical on up to 2 machines.

$450 +gst per person.

Hire of equipment. $60 +gst per person per machine. (Not applicable if using own equipment)

Request Booking

Use this form to request a place in one of the next course dates above, and we’ll be in touch.